Page name: Legato Scares Me! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-04 00:20:54
Last author: ~Legato~
Owner: ~Legato~
# of watchers: 8
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Legato Scares Me! is now known as The Legato Revolution. You can find it at

The Legato Revolution

. Cheers to a new beginning





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[~Vash~]: *Gasps* YOU CANNOT KILL VASH! SHAME BE UPONST YE! *Points condescendingly at Legato*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *watches in confusion*

[~Legato~]: *flops on her back and lies there aimlessly*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *watches her neice because she loves her and doesn't want her to get in trouble*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *gasps also* Vash....was....KILLED?????? waaaaaaaaaaah... *falls down on her knees and sobs*

[~Vash~]: >.< Legato said she killed eveyone who sings that song, so...

[~Legato~]: *re-kills everyone* ..MUWHAHAHA

[Blaze the Nameless]: Why do i hang out here?

[~Legato~]: i dunno....

[Blaze the Nameless]: I'm starting think it's bad for my health!

[~Legato~]: ....*smirk* ..probably..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *brings everyone back to life and puts huge protective energy shields around them*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Thank you for modern science!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And for the record, I'm not mad at Blaze. We rarely fight.

[~Vash~]: X3 Ok.

[~Legato~]: *sigh* oh! News: *NEW RP CREATED BY: [~Vash~]* Anime ReMix!

[~Vash~]: =P yay!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Oh boy.

[~Vash~]: XD Blaze seems excited...

[Rhammin]: YO!!! i'm back, and modern science, with the exception in gaming indusstries, sucks!

[~Vash~]: 0_o;;...ok.

[Rhammin]: sorry, it's just that one of my friends, Richie, talks alot about history and modern science and it get very very irritating.

[~Legato~]: >.> <.<  X_x;;

[~Vash~]: x_X

[Rhammin]: exactly

[~Legato~]: lol ..yall are all weirdos..

[Rhammin]: yes we know, or at least i do.

[~Legato~]: yeah

[Rhammin]: being wierd is better than being normal in my opinion.

[~Vash~]: What is normal? I don't believe there is a definition. If we were ALL "normal," we'd be a clone race..

[~Legato~]: i got called "Legato" again today >.< YAY

[Blaze the Nameless]: *randomly walks in*

[~Legato~]: *randomly walks out* lol

[~Vash~]: x3 Who called ya that, Legato?

[~Legato~]: Stanley and Alex

[~Vash~]: Ahhhh.

[Rhammin]: normal is wierd to me, normal people scare me.

[~Legato~]: O.o;;

[Rhammin]: you said it.


[Blaze the Nameless]: I don't think that's a fair thing to say. No one is really normal and no one is really weird.

[~Vash~]: Everyone is normal. Everyone is real. Everyone is fake. X_______x really, you can look at it any way you want, but it all boils down to one cliche phrase: Don't label me. I'm not a soup can.

[~Legato~]: ugghhh...stop discussing these moral things in my wiki!! *kicks you all out the door* >3 MUWHAHAHA!

[~Vash~]: 3 Muahahahahaha!!! Anti-Legatoisms!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: The only source that can destory Legato..........besides Victoria Secrect magazines.

[~Legato~]: .....*shoots you all with rubber-bullets*

[~Vash~]: >.o Hey! Ow!

[~Legato~]: MUWHAHAHAHA >3 FEAR ME!!


[~Legato~]: just pressed the button of all buttons with me.. *tackles her and clamps her teeth into Ryoko's shoulder*

[~Vash~]: O.o

[~Legato~]: *attacks [~Vash~] just for standing there*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *listens to her beloved eye pod and says nothing*

[~Vash~]: X__x YAAH! What'd I doo!?

[Blaze the Nameless]: *shrugs*

[~Legato~]: ..MUWHAHAHA!!! >3

[~Vash~]: T_____T

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *hisses like a cat and clamps onto Legato's leg*

[~Legato~]: .....*growls*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *growls and shakes her head like a dog (while still clamped onto Legato's leg)*

[~Legato~]:  X_X;; .....if i get will pay dier consequences

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *says with her mouth full* Ah don'd hah wabif! *gnaws*

[~Vash~]: XD Dire*....

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! GREAT NEWS!!!!!

[~Vash~]: o.o?

[~Legato~]: ...shut up!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: For the first^^U)....I'M FIRST CHAIR IN MY ORCHESTRA SECTION!!!!!!! -^.^-

[~Vash~]: ^^ Congrats! Wait...wait...lemme guess!! You either play flute or clarinet, right? =P

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Orchastra, sempai. Not band. ^^U

[~Vash~]: o.o *Blinks*....kay..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^U I play a violin.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: And not the flute or clarinet. My mom plays the flute, and my cousin plays the clarinet! ^^U

[~Vash~]: XD Well I...was kind of on the right track..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: lol...yeah KINDA. XD

[~Legato~]: ...X.x..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: DONUT! *snarfs a chocolate donut*

[~Vash~]: =P Hey everyone! I'm going for a guard position! Anyone who wants to support me, go to Vash for Outlaw Guard! X3 and sign up under the my supporters link. ^_~ Hee..

[Blaze the Nameless]: You'll most likely get that position. I mean, who could say no 2 u?

[~Vash~]: X3 A lot of people who are also applying for guard...

[Blaze the Nameless]: Really?

[~Vash~]: Xx yup..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Guard? (slinks away) << >> XD

[Princess Carwash]: sry im not on much guys. ive been grounded and its been summer so i havent been able to go online

[~Vash~]: 'Sok. ^.^ And I suppose you'd call me more of a vigilante...>3 I am still the outlaw of elftown.

[~Legato~]:  >.< well aren't you special... >.> <.< not like I am jealous or anything cause I am not!! *coughs*

[~Vash~]: ^-^ I know!

[Blaze the Nameless]: You're song should be She's a Rebel!

[~Vash~]: XD

[Blaze the Nameless]: From Green Day! I love that song!

[~Legato~]: >.> <.< *sings my Theme Song and dances*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *sits up in the rafters, drinkin' sake and swaying around* Meoooow~!

[Blaze the Nameless]: She's a rebel! She's a saint! She's the salt of the earth and she's dangerous!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *glomps a rafter* Meow~! Meoooww~!

[Princess Carwash]: lol, i lurve u guys! yer so stupid its funni! lol, i have the stupidest kid next to me.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *sways from side to side* I'ma noztoopiiid, I'ma juscraaazyy! Meoooowww~!

[Blaze the Nameless]: She's a rebel. Vigilante. Missing link on the brink of destruction.

[Blaze the Nameless]: From Chicago to Toronto, she's the one that they call old whatsername.She's the symbol of resistance and she's holding on myheart like a hand grenade.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD GRENADE LAUNCHER!!!!!

[~Legato~]: .......>> << >< Spare me...

[Blaze the Nameless]: Spare you what?

[~Legato~]: this perpetual and imperious act of capricious and copious compensation I am recieving for being such a benevolent person as to condone this improvidenence for the future of this wiki. It would began to incipient that I am feigning sanity..all the while I am constantly rebuked for my kindness and patience! *sigh* ..I guess I inadvertently decided my fate..

[~Legato~]: lol ^.^ <img:>

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Leggerz! Legs! Leggy! Mr. Legato! (Domo.....domo..... XD)

[~Legato~]: lol nice

[~Vash~]: oO...Woa...TOO much alliteration. XD Be proud, Legato. As you have somehow managed to confuse me beyond all reason this day.

[~Legato~]: ALAS! Successfully success-ness is not just a dream!!

[~Vash~]: @_@ *Brain fizzles inside skull*

[~Legato~]: ^^ teehee...thats what friends are for...

[~Vash~]: *Eyeball falls out of socket*

[~Legato~]: *looks at you* my work is done here. *walks off*

[~Vash~]: *Falls over dead*

[~Legato~]: *victory dance*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *gives smepai to the paramedics, who put her on a respirator and replace her lost eye with a glass one*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *sigh* People are sometimes so damn igorant!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *question mark appears over her head; points at herself*

[~Vash~]: *Breathes all fake-like*.....heep? *points at self*

[Blaze the Nameless]: No, not you

[Princess Carwash]: hey peeps

[Blaze the Nameless]: You know what one my guy friends said about Trigun?

[~Legato~]: what?

[~Vash~]: Dare I ask?

[Blaze the Nameless]: That it's like Love Hina for girls.

[~Legato~]: lol >.<

[Blaze the Nameless]: True in a way

[~Vash~]: >> Actually....>3 Heeheee....

[Princess Carwash]: i just got done reading love hina. it was good... its a good series. i read all 14. im so proud lol.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Love Hina looks stupid to me so I'm not wasting my time on it.

[~Vash~]: >3 Muah...Love Hina is hilarious..

[Blaze the Nameless]: Plot's has been done too many times

[~Vash~]: Oo...I for one have never seen a plot about a guy getting stuck in an all-girls' school and the girls being horny 24/7...

[~Legato~]: lol

[Blaze the Nameless]: Those annoy me.

[~Legato~]: I am reading the manga Negima! and Chronicles of the cursed sword right now

[Blaze the Nameless]: Damnit, I made myself depressed again!

[Princess Carwash]: aw cheer up... and luv hina rox! dont dog it or ill dog you lol

[~Vash~]: X3 Ooooh....Sherlock...*nudgenudge*

[Blaze the Nameless]: I'm sorry but I'm not into those kinds of books. The plot has been done to many times and just plain out perverted.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I can tolerate "those kind" of books to a certain extent...but I simply CAN'T STAND DR. MURAKI!!!!!!!!!!! *mumble mumble stupid pervert vampire mumble Tsuzuki'll never be yours mumble mumble* ^^U

[Blaze the Nameless]: I can't read that anymore. It was ruin for me.

[~Legato~]: *pops in randomly* ello! ^^

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *pats Blaze on the back* I know how you feel...I read over the 3rd book for my friend....gahhh, how I HATE Dr. Muraki! ><

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: But don't worry. I'm not reading the 4th book ANY time soon. ^^U

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *turns to ~Legato~-sempai* and 'ello to you too!

[~Legato~]: lol >.< sup?

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: teh cieling. And I have an orchestra concert tomorrow.

[Blaze the Nameless]: *dances to Dragostea Din Tei*

[Princess Carwash]: lol. I just got done sleeping in french

[Rhammin]: *opens door and peers inside* Is, uh, is tis the right room for and argument?

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: No, but j00 can argue with me in real life! XD

[Rhammin]: naw, that's no fun, i almost always win the argument.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ...... *sticks tongue out @ j00* >P

[~Legato~]: .....>.< Someone Save Me from Ryoko and [Rhammin]...

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^U it's ok; I'll shut up...

[~Legato~]: XD!! For once..someone listens to me...*gloats in [~Vash~]'s face*

[~Vash~]: *Folds arms*..hmpf! >.<

[~Legato~]: teehee ^^

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *starts turning red from staying quiet; ground starts shaking*............HIIIIII SEMPAI!!!!!!!! *waves*

[~Legato~]: *gets scared*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *enters*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^U I'm incapable of shutting up...

[Blaze the Nameless]: *walks around*

[~Legato~]: *gives her famous Legato-eyed smirk* ..want me to help you with that Ryoko?...heh.. >3

[Blaze the Nameless]: *dances*

[~Legato~]: O.o;;....*points and laughs at the word "bra" in Blaze's mood thingy*

[Blaze the Nameless]: What's so funny about that?

[~Legato~]: ...*laughing starts to die down* ^.^ thats not the really funny part... its the laughing about me laughing that I am laughing at my laughing is whats so funny. ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: It's not that kind of bra. It's bra as in bro.

[~Legato~]: O.O;; well now...if I was a guy and I was someones brother..I'd be really offended if they called me a "bra"

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: isn't that the way hawaiians say "brother"???

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: (to Kaylin) NO! I need no help! *scurries up a tree*

[~Legato~]: *shrugs* ...I thought they said "Brudda"

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I dunno. But after reading Ranma 1/2 and hearing the wacky principal (in the manga) say 'bra' a lot when he was talking to guys, I assumed he ment 'brother'. =S

[Blaze the Nameless]: It's from a song. It's a Beatles song

[~Legato~]: lol

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yaaaaaaaaaay Beatles!

[Blaze the Nameless]: You hate the Beatles.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: No I don't.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Hm, I thought you did

[Blaze the Nameless]: Yeah. At your party.

[~Vash~]: @.@ Is cunfuzzled........Ranma 1/2 and the Beatles? Oo

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I'm confuzzled....*falls over dead*

[Blaze the Nameless]: I thought Amelia said she hated the Beatles.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: But I don't.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Okay I might have you gotten you mixed up with someone.

[Blaze the Nameless]: *finds her Beatle music and starts playing it*

[Rhammin]: THE BEATLES YAY!!!! YAY!!!!!

[Princess Carwash]: lol, i got grounded again. this sux... im still aloud online though so thats a plus... welll sorta, its complicated

[Blaze the Nameless]: Thank you Jareth! Someone who shares my love for the Beatles!

[Princess Carwash]: NOOOO!!!! bud is leaving my momma, thats not the bad part... be prepared for the bad news... 5...4...3..2..1 HES TAKING THE COMPUTER!!! NOOOOOOOOOO

[Rhammin]: Who's Jareth?

[Blaze the Nameless]: ^^ YOU ARE!

[Princess Carwash]: nobody cares what i say do they

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